Cloud Native vs Cloud Agnostic: Weighing the Trade-Offs

Speed ​​is an important factor for business in this era when customers are looking for instant gratification. If the fact doesn’t convince you, the statistics might. An element as simple as a website’s load time carries weight. Statistics indicate that the first five seconds of a page load time have the greatest impact on conversion rates. So when consumer behavior has the greatest impact, it is profitable in the long run to modernize a business model accordingly.

The faster a company can develop and ship a product to its customers, the more likely it is to avoid problems in a fast-paced environment. Cloud Native as a form of technology is designed for this. It is a behavior-driven development model designed, built, and optimized to run in the cloud.

Cloud native applications can easily be mistaken as another tool for the digital first era or another platform. However, it is a complete shift to a set of different practices, automated testing, design, customer centric model and an accelerated production environment. With shorter delivery cycles and higher quality, working in the cloud native database requires a transformation within the entire development team of an organization.

Emergence/Future of Open-source and Cloud

Before 2005, most of the technology was open source and enterprises were consuming open source to accomplish their business goals and the trend seems to continue to grow. Take the operating system as an example. The use and popularity of Linux have been growing day by day. Another good example is the database industry where MySQL and Postgres are rapidly growing over time as opposed to Oracle or Microsoft’s SQL Server.

The open-source trend was not surprising as proprietary technology leads to lock-ins and as these enterprises grow, their reliance on these foundational pieces continues to grow over time. This makes it really difficult and costly for these enterprises to switch to new technology, locking them into the closed-source technology and leaving them vulnerable to hefty prices or punitive charges as they scale. This drove many enterprises to come together and join hands to collectively build different open-source components.

Maximizing Cloud-Native Success with the Twelve-Factor App Methodology 🫡

Twelve Factor App Methodology

The Twelve-Factor App methodology is a set of best practices for building and deploying cloud-native applications. It was developed by Heroku, a cloud platform as a service (PaaS) provider, and has since been widely adopted by organizations as a guide for building cloud-native applications.

The Twelve-Factor App methodology consists of 12 principles that are designed to help developers build applications that are easy to scale, maintain, and deploy in a cloud environment.

What is a Cloud?

The term Cloud isn’t a physical entity but is meant to represent the infrastructure of the internet. It’s called Cloud to signify that the users of the Cloud don’t have to worry about the underlying complexities of the infrastructure but can use it as building blocks for their application. Behind the scenes, the cloud is a vast network of physical machines across the globe connected together and abstracted for its end users for dedicated tasks from running applications to storing data to managed applications.