Introduction to Control Plane and Data Plane

In the world of computing and cloud services, the terms "control plane" and “data plane” are increasingly mentioned, even though these are actually older terms that originally came about in the networking world. This blog post aims to dive into the history of these concepts, where they are used and why, and how they’ve been extended into the emerging domain of SaaS. Let's dive in.

Omnistrate’s Journey of Trust Continues - From SOC 2 Type I to Type II 🛡️✨


We are back with more exciting news. After our proud announcement of achieving the SOC 2 Type I certification, we have now achieved another significant milestone by earning the SOC 2 Type II Certification. This milestone underscores our commitment to creating a safer, more secure environment for our clients and their data.

The Future of SaaS and Kubernetes: Trends and Predictions

Software as a Service (SaaS) is a popular and convenient way of delivering applications over the internet, without requiring users to install or maintain them on their own devices. SaaS providers can offer scalable, secure, and cost-effective solutions to their customers, while also benefiting from faster development cycles and lower operational overhead.

Kubernetes is an open-source platform that enables SaaS providers to automate the deployment, scaling, and management of their applications across multiple clusters of servers. Kubernetes provides a consistent and reliable environment for running SaaS applications, regardless of the underlying infrastructure or cloud provider. Kubernetes also offers features such as service discovery, load balancing, health checks, configuration management, and security policies that simplify the development and operation of SaaS applications.

Inside the Cloud - Understanding IaaS, PaaS and SaaS

The proliferation of various cloud computing services has resulted in the widespread adoption of several new concepts and vocabularies in the world of IT infrastructure. IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS are frequently given examples of these cloud services. Yet, there isn't always enough information on hand to make the distinctions among these categories of cloud deployment models very clear. This article aims to clarify these concepts, go deeper into their background, present examples, explain use cases, and emphasize their main differences.

Distributed System Design — Scaling from 0–1K, 1K -10K, 10K-100K, 100K-1M, and 1M to 1B users.

One of the most challenging aspects of building a distributed system is scaling it to handle different levels of user traffic. In this blog post, I will discuss some of the common techniques and trade-offs involved in scaling a distributed system from 1 to 1 billion users. I will also provide some step-by-step explanations for each scale.

  1. Scaling from 0–1K,
  2. Scaling from 1K -10K,
  3. Scaling from 10K-100K,
  4. Scaling from 100K-1M,
  5. Scaling from 1M to 1B users

The Art of Scaling Distributed Multi Cloud Systems: Best Practices and Lessons Learned

Hello, fellow developers! In this blog post, I want to share with you some of the best practices and lessons learned from scaling distributed systems. Distributed systems are systems that consist of multiple independent components that communicate and coordinate with each other over a network. They are often used to handle large-scale and complex problems that require high availability, scalability, and performance.

Scaling distributed systems is an art that requires creativity, experimentation and learning. In this blog post, I will share some of the best practices and lessons learned from my experience of building and scaling distributed systems

Some of the topics I will cover are:

  • How to design for scalability and reliability

  • How to choose the right tools and technologies

  • How to monitor and troubleshoot distributed systems

  • How to handle failures and recoveries

I hope you will find this blog post useful and inspiring for your own scaling journey

Kubernetes and container networking in multi-cloud environments: Why it is not easy and why you need Sparta like skills

As the world of technology continues to evolve, containerization has become a popular choice for deploying applications. Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration system that has gained popularity due to its ability to manage and deploy containers across multiple hosts.

However, managing Kubernetes and container networking in multi-cloud environments can be challenging. This is where Sparta-like skills can come in handy.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Calculate SLAs, SLIs, and SLOs for new SREs

Service Level Agreements (SLAs), Service Level Indicators (SLIs), and Service Level Objectives (SLOs) are critical metrics for measuring the performance and reliability of IT services. These metrics provide valuable insights into the quality of service provided to customers and help teams identify areas for improvement. In this blog post, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide to calculating SLAs, SLIs, and SLOs for your IT services, using an example of a microservices-based ecommerce application.

Omnistrate Achieves SOC 2 Type I Compliance: Upholding Security and Trust 🎖️

Omnistrate, Inc., a B2B SaaS company that revolutionizes the way software offerings are turned into multi-cloud SaaS services, is pleased to announce that it has successfully achieved Service Organization Control (SOC) 2 Type I compliance. This accomplishment serves as an industry-recognized validation of Omnistrate's commitment to maintaining the highest standards of security, confidentiality, and availability for its customers' data across multi-cloud environments.

Managing Open Search 🔍 Across Multiple Clouds: A Guide to Overcoming Challenges

Are you tired of juggling multiple cloud providers for your Open Search needs? Do you feel like you're drowning in a sea of APIs and configurations? -- this guide will help you navigate the stormy waters of managing Open Search across multiple clouds.

First, let's talk about the challenges you may face.

One of the biggest challenges is dealing with different API endpoints and configurations across different cloud providers. For example, AWS Open Search uses a different API endpoint than Azure Open Search, and each provider has its own set of configuration options.