Engineering Blog: How to handle multi-cloud auto-scaling when building a SaaS?

How Omnistrate can unburden you by managing a smart scaling system that works multi-cloud out of the box This is our first issue of a brand new Engineering series at Omnistrate.

Startup challenges and how to improve your odds by 10x

Starting a business is tough, and it's no secret that many startups don't make it. Every founder faces big challenges like finding customers who love their product, making enough money to keep going, and convincing investors to believe in their vision.

Accelerating SaaS Innovation: Omnistrate's Latest Platform Release

Over the past year of relentless building, we’ve released a number of features in our platform that made it easy to build, access, and operate SaaS for our customers. We want to share with everyone what we have achieved so far.

Navigating the Operational Puzzle of SaaS

Building SaaS is just one part of the challenge. Operating a SaaS is another major challenge. We will need fleet-wide observability on what tenant-level activity is happening in the fleet including any operational issues, assistance with debugging active issues like metrics and logging, ability to hot patch tenants, rollout security fixes in <24 hours. In addition, we will need reliable monitoring, recovery mechanisms to common issues with full auditing of events on what happened. In case, things are not recoverable for any reason, we will need a reliable alerting mechanism so that you can stay ahead of your customers and address the issues quickly.

Unlocking the Complexity of Billing in SaaS

One of the core tenets of SaaS is to be able to meter tenant usage and then bill your customers. However, there are a lot of challenges in handling that.

Fortifying SaaS: Safeguarding Data and Compliance Across Layers

One of the core tenets of SaaS is to be secure. Security spans across many layers from controlling access with IP whitelisting or Private Link, validating access with authentication to validate identity, authorization to assign permissions to users within tenant organizations, auditing to record every activity, tenant isolation to guard against malicious tenants, regulatory requirements from securing third-party services accesses to operational processes to achieve different compliance standards, and so on.

Challenges in streamlining SaaS User Experiences

To interact with the SaaS service, we will need to build some sort of UX (API, GUI, CLI) interaction. We will need UX for your core application and also for management operations like tenant onboarding, access control, account management, auditing, etc. For HubSpot, the core application is CRM, for MongoDB it's the database, for Zendesk it's customer service software.

SaaS Reliability: Achieving High Availability

SaaS applications need to be highly available, with several 9’s of SLA. We have to deal with all sorts of failures, ranging from hardware failures, software failures, hung processes, data center power outages, networking switch failures, degraded storage, to correlated failures, and so on. You will have to keep track of per-tenant SLAs not only to monitor their health and take proactive actions before their availability falls below their SLA, but also to take necessary actions to remediate common issues.

Strategies for Seamless SaaS Deployment

SaaS provisioning requires tenant account creation, user provisioning, figuring out the tenant placement, configuring the tenant, and storing all the metadata. We also need to set up all the infrastructure, deploy software, configure software based on user input, enable monitoring, set up certificates, secure end-to-end access, safely coordinate everything during failures, and notify users of the provisioning progress.

Tenant Isolation Strategy for Your SaaS Application

A SaaS application serves several tenants, and each tenant should be isolated from one another. Depending on where and how you want to deploy, you may choose one or more types of isolation for your application.