Should Your Startup Start with SaaS?

Early-stage tech companies must navigate a complex landscape of challenges and risks. Addressing these concerns effectively requires strategic planning, strong leadership, and a focus on building a resilient and adaptable organization.

Omnistrate Platform Update (April 2024)

Hello from Omnistrate 👋

This is our platform update for April 2024!

Before we start we want to thank all of our customers for choosing us, for their ongoing support and valuable feedback… Kudos to them for being so awesome 👏

We are always excited to share our progress towards improving the Omnistrate Platform and all the features and enhancements we released this month for our customers.

Restoring the Promise of Open Source with Omnistrate

In the early days, open source software (OSS) thrived on principles of freedom, collaboration, and innovation. However, as the cloud era dawned, the landscape shifted. Some of the cloud providers began to monetize OSS without necessarily contributing back to its creators. This raised concerns among open source inventors who felt their work was being exploited for profit.

Omnistrate Platform Update (March 2024)

Hello from Omnistrate 👋

This is our platform update for March 2024! We are excited to share our progress towards building the Omnistrate Platform and the milestones we reached this month.

The Three Key Components of Building a Billing System

When building a billing system there are 3 main components to consider:

  • Usage metering: Collect and aggregate usage data of the service.
  • Invoice generation: Take usage data and generates invoices based on the customer plan.
  • Payment management: Manages payments and receives funds using payment processors

Understanding SaaS billing models

When you are offering Software as a Service there are multiple options available on how to charge customers for the usage of your service. A couple popular models are Subscription Based and Usage Based.

Omnistrate Platform Update (February 2024)

Hello from Omnistrate 👋

This is our platform update for February 2024! We are excited to share our progress towards building the Omnistrate Platform.

ABCs of Control Plane

Hello, and welcome to this blog of Control Plane!

Today, I'm going to explain the concept of control plane for software as a service (SaaS) world, and help you understand it better.

Multi-Cloud: How to manage Complexity and Opportunity on day-1

There are several advantage of running services across multiple clouds. Many organization don't consider this initially due to added complexity, effort and management cost. Is there a way to have a cake and eat it too?

Helping entrepreneurs to improve their startup success odds by 10x

As entrepreneurs, we know that time and money are our most valuable assets. Imagine if we have a mechanism to test our ideas and validate them in no time without spending a fortune. Huh? -- that's interesting!